How it all began …

Café Theres’ is getting a makeover: from the interior to the façade – visitors can now look forward to a historical modern tent where kisses are said to be the sweetest. The paintings on the interior walls by Munich artist Silvia Penelope Schmidt leads us at the English Garden and breathe the romance of a picnic in green Munich into the tent.

Café Mohrenkopf becomes Café Theres’. The name is simply no longer up-to-date and therefore history. However, the tradition of the tent is continued and the popular pastry “Mohrenkopf” is also given a new name: “Theresienbusserl”.

From the former tent with coffee house flair to a modern a café and wine tent that attracts many regulars year after year with live music, cocktails and homemade cakes. Not least because of Katharina Wiemes, who still lovingly runs the tent herself.

Dense crowd in front of Café Mohrenkopf. The café tent has by now evolved to an institution at the Oktoberfest.

The new tent façade focuses on the “Mohrenkopf” pastry.

The Café Mohrenkopf with its typical 50s design. Inside, music comes from a jukebox, coffee from Dallmayr and cakes are freshly baked right behind the counter.

Even before World War II, Paul Wiemes owned a café in the Augustenstraße. That is where he created the “Mohrenkopf” – a creation of choux pastry, cream and chocolate which gave the tent its name for a long time. The café was destroyed during war and since the street was widened and the property could not be rebuilt the Wiemes family received the concession for the Oktoberfest in 1950 as compensation.

More than 70 years ago, Katharina’s grandfather Paul Wiemes made himself a name at the Oktoberfest as the only festival host with his own pastry shop. His daily fresh creations inspired and still are loved by all visitors of his café tent.